Saturday, March 24, 2012

(Review) The Last Ten Seconds of Life - Warpath EP (2012)

The Last Ten Seconds of Life
Warpath EP
Genre: Deathcore, Hardcore
Release Date: March 2012
Facebook Page
Purchase Link (Download Free from the band)

TLTSOL is a band that never really struck my attention. Their first EP, Justice, was introduced just last year, and while I enjoyed the vocalists insane brutal vocals, the intense chugs, and the crazy sound, this band was simply just generic, somewhat boring, and never appealed after a few listens. Wasnt a disaster, just didn't bring anything new to the table. 

They released another full length short after. Slightly progressing, but still nothing too impresive. And shortly after that, early 2012, we have "Warpath EP". This short EP can be described in one word with an adjective:
Fucking brutal.
But is brutality enough for a solid album?

Warpath EP starts off with an extremely pointless intro song of about 20 seconds, with just noise. I was expecting a breakdown or something, but na. Oh well, 3 songs to go. Then, we are introduced to "Punishment". Right off the bat, you can tell that TLTSOL moved more towards hardcore than deathcore. But Jesus, "Punishment" smacked me in the face. The breakdown was heavy enough to break my neck and his vocals were some of the sickest gutturals I've heard since Big Chocolate. So this song caught my attention, but only ran at about 2 minutes. The ending breakdown, awfully generic, but so powerful, makes us want more. And then, we play "Warpath".
 The song "Warpath" starts off very progressive and beats your ass. It's a constant battle of brutality, chugs, and gutturals. It's awesome, but kind of boring and generic. Some parts here and there make you wanna hit something, but for the most part, all you're listening to is diminished breakdowns and blast beats. That's it. Cool, but way overdone. The last track "Break Stuff" is a cover of the old Limp Bizkit song. In my opinion, this is only enjoyable to fans of the LB song. I thought it was rather pointless.

Aside from the constant bashing I've just done, Warpath EP packs a punch and hits you in the face harder than alot of things you hear nowadays. The only problems, is that it's rather generic and the production is somewhat poor. Not horrid, but their previous work had way better production. 

Warpath EP is sick, but brings nothing new to the table.
3 of out 5

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