Saturday, March 24, 2012

About Us

Welcome metalheads to The Core Review. 
TCR is made specifically to review or promote brand new albums, EPs, or songs from the metal genre. Any subgenre of metal will be on here, but we will be focusing mostly on every part of the metalcore/deathcore universe (aka technical, brutal, symphonic, prog, etc.)

About Me

My name's Vince Villani, the founder and creator of this site.You may know me as the guy from Interrupting Cow. I do alot of solo projects. Interrupting Cow was my biggest one, and now I'm currently working on a new project called Inequities of the Selfish and Tyranny. I'm fascinated by deathcore and metalcore, and listen to every band you've ever heard of and ones you havn't. My favorites range from Parkway Drive, to Thy Art is Murder....and I fucking love breakdowns.

I'm a musician, biker, athlete, and a douchebag basically. I have my retarded secret life like the most of us. I am a former uploader for the popular site DuckCore as well, but those assholes hated me and kicked me off. Dunno why. I play guitar, scream, and play drums as well. I attempt to mix, but we all know how horrid that can turn out at times. I hope to learn in college. I'm also pretty talented at video editing and effects, as you can see here

Hopefully my reviews help all of you find those bands you've been searching for. Thanks for taking part in my site!

Want to contact me? Send me a PM on FaceBook or email me at:

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